Value your process


A modular and scalable solution for intelligent logistics

Workflow management is important for a business to improve efficiency and productivity. There are many workflow management software on the market, but how do you find the right one?

1. Define your needs

To identify the workflow management solutions you need, determine whether your business processes are human-centric or system-centric. A human-centric workflow is more likely to bring people, their documents, tasks and progress together in one place. A system-oriented workflow, on the other hand, focuses on the integration of various business processes or systems. It brings their functions together in one space to create a unified workflow.

A workflow software should be adaptable to meet the needs of all organizations. IBITEK’s workflow software is a good example of this quality, as it includes CRM, project management and more…

2. Note the essential features

The next step in choosing the best workflow software is to specify your essential, or required, functionality.

  • Workflow design studio: It allows for the creation of hybrid processes, human-computer interactions, and must be intuitive.
  • Rule creation and integrations: This non-negotiable feature allows for rule configuration and form creation.
  • Remote access: Your employees must be able to access data from anywhere.
  • Dynamic routing and process monitoring features: facilitate management alerts such as emails or SMS, deadlines including roles and responsibilities, traceability.
  • Collaborative tracking portal for each stakeholder: this feature provides visibility into the tasks each stakeholder has to perform or has created and tracks KPIs.

3. Determine the number of people who will use the software

It is important to determine the number of users. This will help you determine whether or not you need software that can accommodate multiple users instantly. A large team does not necessarily mean that you need to choose more complex project management features. You can manage projects with a simple workflow by assigning tasks and sharing documentation with your team members. Smaller groups of users can also have complex workflows. This requires the use of advanced features for reporting, resource management and optimization.

4. Choose an easy-to-use web-based solution

For users with some technical skills, you can switch to a code-based workflow, but the best workflow tools are easy to use and deploy, as they are intended for large-scale use. Configuration flexibility is important, as business stakeholders need to be able to change collaboration processes without losing time.

IBITEK’s workflow management tool is quick to learn, although it has many features of varying complexity. These functionalities allow you to manage the entire production chain (inventory management, human management…), regardless of your sector of activity.

A clear and detailed dashboard allows you to easily follow the evolution of the flows.

5. Choose a versatile data flow management software

The project management workflow is a multi-step process, which requires tools to manage each phase of the workflow. The software must therefore be able to connect in real time with different applications, for example: calendar, payment, site, etc…

IBITEK’s automation and process improvement capabilities translate into real time and energy savings. You can focus on tasks that require human effort and intelligence.

6. Use software that provides you with reports

Every improvement process is based on key performance indicators. Tracking these indicators requires the ability to obtain accurate information about the state of a process while it is running, but also to keep a history of its evolution over time.

IBITEK’s workflow management software provides real-time indicators through dashboards to help your analysts and managers measure process efficiency, identify anomalies and take corrective action if necessary.

7. Choose an all-in-one software: IT, traceability, production, logistics…

More and more companies are using integrated workflow management software to better control their processes. This allows them to save time and optimize costs in real time. Among the functionalities offered by these software packages, we find inventory management, product traceability, production management, logistics, etc.

Would you like to know more about the possibilities of our software? Contact us for more information!

A solution for controlled trucking flows

IBITruck is a software solution based largely on Microsoft technologies, allowing the automation of the loading and unloading of vehicles on an industrial site.

The product is based on a centralized management system that manages all the events and transactions of the site.

Users of the system can access all functionalities wherever they are on site via desktop computers, touch-screen terminals, industrial stations, PDAs.

The solution is designed to integrate with your processes and is based on the following technologies:

  • Identification RFID (Radio-identification) / QR / Bar code :

    • Manage access badges
    • Trace the content of the loads
  • OCR cameras for license plate recognition

  • IP camera network for photo and video recording

  • Automation to manage removable barriers, two-tone lights, retractable obstacles

  • OPC UA standard for the connection between the application and the PLCs

  • Interface to connect to your ERP or other customer order management software (CRM, GRC…).

  • Hardware and software:

    • Industrial and standard workstations
    • Touchscreen multimedia terminals
    • Portable terminals

IBITruck is a modular, integrated system
to automate the flow of loading and unloading of vehicles
of vehicles on an industrial site.

IBITruck is a complete solution with a global approach to logistics issues.

The vehicle will be taken in charge as soon as it arrives at the entrance of the site, as well as at each point of passage and loading/unloading, until the exit of the site.

It is a very flexible solution that can be perfectly interfaced with existing tools and installations on an industrial site.

IBITruck is constantly evolving and has matured thanks to the combination of our skills in automation and industrial computing over the years.

It has undergone thousands of days of development to arrive at a solution that provides maximum customer satisfaction through :

  • Its modularity

  • Ease of administration

  • Interoperability with other technologies

  • At the opening of the solution to give the keys to the users to appropriate the system

Thanks to its reporting system, it allows to obtain a precise follow-up of the flows:

  • Flow monitoring report

  • KPI’s implemented by the business

  • Activity report

  • Tracking

In general, all data stored in the database can be retrieved and presented to the various departments.

The application can handle :







Operation of the vehicle identification on the industrial site




Overview of the devices available on IBITruck


  • Tags (vehicle, pallet, product).
  • Badges (Driver, Employee).
  • RFID badge dispenser/advancer.


  • Goods loading/unloading
  • Weighbridge
  • Barrier
  • Lights


  • OCR license plate
  • Picture taking (of loading, weighing, documents)
  • Surveillance camera


  • RFID / Wifi handheld terminals
  • RFID / Wifi on-board terminals for forklifts
  • Industrial stations
  • Multimedia terminals (screen, intercom, printers)
  • Workstation on the administrative network

Do you want to increase the efficiency of your product deliveries and secure your sales ?

Functional scope

  • Loading Bulk / Bag / Pallet
  • Raw material reception
  • Return loading of bulk, bag and pallet
  • Healing Input
  • Healing Exit
  • Commercial agency entry
  • Commercial agency exit
  • Loading Bulk
  • Loading Bag
  • Loading Pallet
  • Automatic distribution of non-permanent badges
  • Manual distribution of permanent and non-permanent badges / tags
  • Remote RFID authentication
  • Trucks at each crossing point
  • No truck descent
    RFID authentication Drivers at each crossing point
  • No truck descent
  • Authentication by inserting badge in terminal
  • Retractable barrier
  • Retractable barrier and traffic lights
  • Automatic weighing system for commercial agencies
  • Automatic weighing of bulk loading bridge
  • Possibility to choose weighbridge to be used for invoicing (Agency or bulk)
  • Application server redundancy
  • Data Server Redundancy
  • Database redundancy – Mirroring with witnessing
  • OPC Server Redundancy

Intercom at each point of passage in centralized terminal

  • Bulk loading
  • Bag loading
  • Pallet loading
  • Sale Return / Departure
  • Transfers
  • Receptions
  • Entry ticket
  • Loading/unloading order
  • Delivery note
  • Flow on site
  • Management of blacklisted trucks
  • Management of blacklisted drivers
  • Management of truck security checks
  • Management of driver security checks
  • Authorization on parking queue status
  • Authorization on order status
  • Management of authorizations for transit points according to the type of load
  • Generic client workstation per gateway.
  • Web-based architecture allowing the monitoring of the loads of any station on the network
  • Kiosks at each transit point (Screen + intercom + printing)
  • Mobile terminal for parking security control (RFID + PHOTOS + Wifi)
  • Embedded system on pallet hall carts for load tracking
  • Printing on multiple, configurable printers – no limits
  • Laser printing
  • Robust thermal printing in terminals
  • Automatic weighing of the empty tare on a weighbridge
  • Sending of order set point and distribution triggering
  • Automatic detection of finished loading and gross weighing
  • Possibility to “shunt” the automatic bulk loading
  • Activity Report
  • Safety report
  • Truck tracking report + photos
  • ERP integration report
  • Post-editing of all documents (OC, BL…)
  • Open for any other reporting
  • Drivers
  • Customers
  • Suppliers
  • Transporters
  • Truck repository interface (ERP –> IBITRUCK)
  • Driver repository interface (ERP –> IBITRUCK)
  • Carrier repository interface (ERP –> IBITRUCK)
  • Supplier repository interface (ERP –> IBITRUCK)
  • Customer repository interface (ERP –> IBITRUCK)
  • Command interface (ERP <–> IBITRUCK) – Bi-directional transaction
  • Interface “Enter plant” (ERP <–> IBITRUCK) – Queue management
  • Video server & video supervision station
  • Tube cameras for video and photo sequence at each passage point
  • Automatic triggering of photo + video when a truck passes
  • OCR cameras (LAPI) for license plate detection
  • Consistency check of license plates
  • Redundancy of the IBITRUCK service
  • Offline mode
  • Realization of truck security controls by mobile equipment
  • Carrying out of the driver safety controls by mobile equipment
  • RFID detection of loaded pallets
  • Loaded “quality” sensor
  • Possibility to “shunt” the automatic pallet loading
  • Automatic count of pallets to be loaded
  • Easy installation = three Windows services
  • Virtualization
  • Full TCP/IP hardware
  • OPC standard for PLC dialogue

Automate truck flow management:

Discover the key steps to choosing an intelligent logistics solution

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Case studies

Two cement grinding stations in France: link to the case study page

Implemented in several plants in Africa